Sitakotuwa Ella Waterfall at Gurulupotha in Hasalaka near Mahiyanganaya

Beautiful small Sitakotuwa Ella waterfall located at Gurulupotha Forest Patch near Hasalaka. The hight of the Sitha Kotuwa waterfall is around 60 M. Its situated in a calm and quiet historical place called Sita Kotuwa ancient Buddhist meditation site.

The name Sita Kotuwa meaning Sita's fortress which connects to the Ramayana epic influence from Hindu culture. Ramayana fans is said, the Sitha Kotuwa was the beautiful palace of queen Mandodari the queen of Ravana. Abducted Sita was held captive in a palace here until she was moved to Asoka Vatika.

The waterfall formed by Gurulupotha Oya the water coming down from Randenigala Rantabe sanctury consists with a high mixture of limestone. So any hard suff means rocks or trees fallen to water here make diffrent shapes of marvellous limstone rock formations. The Guruluptha Sithakotuwa forest patch is very high in bio diversity with founa and the flora as well.

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